Colin Adamson - Violin Maker

February update and the BVMA

I headed down to the BVMA on the 4th February 2018 to exhibit two violins.  It’s a splendid venue at Kings Place and it was great to catch up with friends and colleagues.  I was lucky enough to have my Kreisler Guarneri selected for the second year for the Quartet concert.   The Brodsky Quartet played beautifully a selection of Mendelssohn, playing other people’s instruments for the first time must be stressful but they carried it off beautifully.  To finish a great weekend I picked up an order on the back of the Kreisler violin.  

Just carving the scroll for a Guarneri violin and I’ll hopefully have it in the cabinet ready for varnishing by the end of the week.  

I’ve finally decided to move the workshop into the large attic where I can find my own space for making.  I’ll have a separate area for varnishing and for my picture information.  Can’t wait!! There is also a possibility of a view to the sea!

So looking forward to the weather warming up as we head towards Spring by the sea.




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